学术报告通知——Carbon-based nanomaterials as catalysts for catalytic reactions

日期:2015-07-27 来源:

题目:Carbon-based nanomaterials as catalysts for catalytic reactions

主讲:Shaobin Wang

时间: 2015529(星期五)上午10:00-11:30



Shaobin Wang简介:Prof. Wang obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering fromUniversity of Queensland, Australia. He is now a Professor atDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Curtin University, Australia.His research interests focus on nanomaterial synthesis andapplication for adsorption and catalysis, fuel and energyconversion and environmental remediation. He has published morethan 200 refereed journal papers and his paper citation was over7000 with H-index =47. He was awarded 2012 Thomson Reuters Citation& Innovation Awards in Australia. He is an editorial boardmember of several international journals.


The emerging nanocarbons such as graphene, carbon nanotubes, andfullerenes exhibit great merits for heterogeneous catalysiscompared with metal- or metal oxide-based catalysts in aqueoussolution without toxic ion-leaching and associated secondarycontamination. In this talk, several different nanocarbons will bedemonstrated to be active materials in catalytic and photocatalyticreactions for water treatment by advanced oxidation processes.