学术报告通知——Reducing Computational Costs of H.264/AVC for Video Codec in Mobile Devices

日期:2015-11-03 来源:

题目:Reducing Computational Costs of H.264/AVC for Video Codec in Mobile Devices

主讲:Susanto Rahardja




Susanto Rahardja简介2015年度国家千人计划专家、新加坡国家信息与通讯技术研究院研究部主任、新加坡国立大学教授、IEEE Fellow,主要研究方向为视频编解码、多媒体信号处理。Susanto Rahardja于1991年在新加坡国立大学获得学士学位,并分别于1993年和1997年在南洋理工大学获得电子工程专业硕士和博士学位,曾任新加坡信息通信研究院信号处理部门主任一职,参与到多媒体标准化活动当中。Susanto Rahardja为可扩展无损音频压缩和无损最适编码贡献的技术,分别在ISO/IEC 14496-3:2005/Amd.3:2006ISO/IEC14496-3:2005/Amd.2:2006中的规范性国际标准中采用和发布。Susanto Rahardja在多媒体信号处理和数字通讯领域发表了250余篇国际期刊和会议论文。2007-2011年期间,曾担任IEEE学会会刊音频、语音和语言处理版面和多媒体版面的副主编,现任Elsevier期刊可视通信和图像表现版面、APSIPA期刊的信号和信息处理版面的编辑委员。Susanto Rahardja分别于2002年获得IEE Hartree优质奖;2003年获得Tan Kah Kee青年发明家公开组金奖;2007年获得国家科技奖;2008年获得A*STAR最佳导师奖。

报告主要内容In video delivery system, it is known that early detection of all-zero quantized discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients can be used to reduce the computational cost of H.264/AVC video encoding, which is critical for mobile applications. The early detection criterion is derived from a new rate - quantization model that analyzes the distribution model of DCT coefficients and takes into account the unique features of H.264/ AVC quantization process. Simulation results show that the proposed method consistently achieves a very high detection rate, while maintaining a low false detection ratio and negligible quality degradation. A comparison with other existing methods shows that by considering the unique features in the H.264/AVC quantization step, the detection of all-zero DCT coefficients is improved.